Friday, January 13, 2012

New Year New Hopes

According to recent polls, some of us have made New Year's resolutions and have already abandoned them.....Shameful. If your one of the many then here's a bit of hope, you CAN start and CHANGE your plans anytime you want. I vowed this year to drink more water, take vitamins, and better care of my skin, and I also made a personal commitment to being a better me. Sounds easy enough....right, or at least I think so. I'm still committed to drinking more water, I haven't started the vitamins yet, and I spent 2 long weeks visiting with my parents and other family members just spending time with everyone as much as possible (that truly is a record for me, cause I'm never around longer than 2-3 days tops). One thing I have decided this year is to stay on the "being a better me", I want to have a job that I truly feel passionate about, something that allows me to have fun and be challenged at the same time. The image in my head of myself is what I also want others to see, when they look at me, so I made the commitment to not settle on the mundane work hours and lack of free time I have grown accustomed to. This year I'm gonna make Work/Life Balance a reality and stop missing out on the things I really love and the people I truly want to see. So if your like me, you want to create that better you, start with a few small changes (easy changes) and one big one that can create a long term positive affect on you and your loved ones.

Some other really great 2012 resolutions this year are;
1. Remodeling your home/apartment space or organizing it. 
2. No more dieting, just healthy eating
3. Quit smoking
4. Helping others
5. Spending Less and Saving MORE!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can't we all just get along

There has been some unnecessary attitude between natural hair sisters, and those that choose not to embrace the look or lifestyle. This is unnecessary. We have been held hostage to the standard of how we should look, act and speak for so long, and we have finally "broke ground" on a old phase in our culture that has allowed us to choose our style and dress weather it be kinky, locks, or chemically straight. We endured the stares and judgement of other races as it pertains to our hair for more than 50 years, and now we as black girls do it to ourselves. Its a shame. If you like your hair kinky, and locked by all means do that, you are beautiful. To those that prefer the straight look, then that's okay too, your cute and that suits you and your lifestyle. To my natural sisters if your looking for recruits then my advice is to take care of your look and your lifestyle, and those young girls growing up will see how your natural beauty shines and they will want to do that. Our hair is no longer in bondage. To argue with ladies that choose perm over natural doesn't convince anyone to change, it only annoys them and frustrates you. No one should be forced into how they should look and what style they should have, if your loving you and rocking that hair in your best possible way your point will speak for it self. I love my natural hair, but I love even more the "Freedom of Choice".

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Black girls and our hair.

First off let me say, I have always been a dreamer, I see blogs all the time, and I wandered why do people put all their thoughts out there, and why do others care what you think? Well I secretly envied the bloggers of the world and now here I am making a commitment to myself to do everything I always wanted to do no matter how small it is, so I'm blogging.

I got off the creamy crack (perm) in 2007 after deciding I wanted to be a better me. I was inspired by a numerous amount of You-tube videos and natural hair celebrities before I went on this interesting hair journey.  First off let me say, I never chopped off all my hair in order to transition, my process was simple. I braided my hair (mostly micros) and I kept those in for almost 2 years out of my entire 4 year journey. I found braids to be easy and cute, but when I took them out, the natural kinks and curls of my hair was my favorite. I love the curls and kinky texture that can only be found on the crown of a black woman. I tried a lot of brands to enhance my curls, especially liked Kinky Curly Curling Custard, and Miss Jessie Curly Pudding. Some worked, others not so much, but the bottom line is this, my hair never grew so long, so thick, and so strong until I decided to get off the perm. I have family and friends that have since gone natural with me and they were all beautiful before, but now that beauty is more effortless than ever before. We black girls have a gift that no other race or culture can claim. Our Hair can be transformed into anything we like, and we change it all the time, but this I know. Keep your natural hair oiled and healthy and wear the weaves over it, when society needs to see the changes.